Ecosafeter Memory Foam Pillow Review UK – 2022

Ecosafeter Memory Foam Pillow








Material Quality


Value for Money



  • Good design to suit all types of sleeping positions.
  • Contains anti allergenic properties with the pillow.
  • Pillow comes with a 30-day money back trial period.
  • Made from high-quality memory foam.


  • Smaller than the average pillow, this can make finding a pillowcase more difficult.
  • Has a strong chemical off-gassing smell when first opened.

The Ecosafeter Memory Foam Pillows key selling point is its contoured design. So what is so special about this design? 

The main purpose of a contoured pillow is to better support the spine and give the neck and spine plenty of support. This allows you to sleep in a comfortable, aligned position which will help ease the muscles while potentially alleviating many problems. The potential problems which may be eased by a pillow like this include neck and backaches, migraines and even snoring, allowing you and your partner to get better, more uninterrupted sleep. The potential benefits are great!

 The Ecosafeter memory pillow supports the head and neck by having a specific shape which allows you to sleep with the major joints being kept in alignment. The different levels allow for the neck and head to get the different levels of support they require.

The Ecosafeter Memory Foam Pillow is highly rated among the vast majority of buyers. It has received over 4000 positive reviews on Amazon and ranks as the top-rated within its category. This alone is very telling. 

At a price point many times lower than some of its competitors it is certainly interesting and warrants a more in-depth look.

Within this review, we have taken a look at how effective this pillow is. We have broken it down layer by layer to see if it performs as well as the reviews may suggest. 

Ecosafeter Memory Foam Pillow Product information

Ecosafeter 2024 New Upgrade Memory Foam Pillow- Cervical Orthopedic Deep Sleep Neck Pillow, Prime...
  • NEW TYPE OF PILLOW: Ecosafeter designed this pillow according to...
  • CONTOUR UNIQUE DESIGN: Medium firm feel, suitable for back, side and...
  • PREMIUM MEMORY FOAM: cervical pillow is made of high-density...






100% bamboo


30 x 50cm




599 g


Available next day through Amazon Prime.

Ecosafeter Memory foam pillow
Credit: Ecosafeter

Construction and Materials

The look of the Ecosafeter Memory foam pillow is relatively simple yet stylish. It is designed for a specific purpose and this is what gives it its shape. One thing to keep in mind is that it is smaller than a more traditional pillow.

One thing to note is the expected longevity of this pillow. Often, cheaper pillows use lower quality materials that lose their shape or begin to break down relatively quickly. This is not the case with this pillow and is what you would be looking for from a pillow that is more expensive than value pillows but not at the price of a top range pillow.

The construction of this pillow is also simple but effective. Consisting of a total of three layers, we have broken each one down to examine what they add to the pillow.


1. Bamboo Outer Layer

The outer layer of the pillow is machine washable. It is made from an antibacterial bamboo blend, this increases the breathability of the pillow and helps prevent overheating.

Ecosafeter Memory foam pillow
Credit: Ecosafeter

2. Breathable Inner Cover Layer

A unique feature of this pillow is this layer. It is another cover which protects the memory foam core from any damage and dust, it extends the pillows service life as a result. This layer is also machine washable and breathable. Helping you keep the pillow clean and in top shape.

3. Memory Foam Core Layer

The inner memory foam core is where all of the main advertised benefits are found. The firm but adaptable reflex memory foam surface is made from high-quality foam which will keep its shape for a long time, keeping you sleeping well. The only drawback of this layer is that it is not machine washable. Also, make sure to keep it away from direct sunlight as this may cause the foam to degrade at a faster than expected rate.

Ecosafeter Memory foam pillow
Credit: Ecosafeter

Comfort, Support and Sleep Quality

Generally speaking, there are several reasons as to why a memory foam contour pillow may benefit you. One of these is the improved blood flow from your neck is well supported. This is caused by the muscles being much more relaxed than with other types of pillows. The neck being well supported and aligned with the spine also bring two other main benefits. One of these is the reduced chance of waking up with aches and pains allowing you to start the day the right way. The other being a reduction in snoring or eliminating snoring completely. This happens because the airways are more open and less prone to being blocked.

As we spend a large percentage of our time sleeping, posture can also be improved drastically as a result of a better sleeping position. This can make it more comfortable to sit and stand for periods and reduce the risk of posture-related injury.

Ecosafeter Memory foam pillow
Credit: Ecosafeter

Speaking more individually about this specific pillow, the Ecosafeter Memory Foam pillow is classed as a medium-firm feeling pillow. This allows it to suit all sleeping styles while supporting your head and neck in a healthy, natural position. Keeping your body in good alignment helps with breathing and may help reduce snoring. A good head and neck alignment also allows proper relaxation and prevents aches and pains when you wake up, this happens by allowing your soft tissues in these areas to relax fully. Because of this, you will get better quality sleep, leading to more fulfilling rest. 

Initially, this pillow may take some getting used to. It is firmer than classic down pillows and will not sink in as much. It is recommended to test out a new pillow for at least 30 days. This gives you plenty of time for a new way of sleeping with a different pillow. 30 days may seem like a long time to test a new pillow but if you are not getting good sleep with your current pillow then it is worth the try. The pillows benefits should start to be felt after a few days in the form of reduced neck and back pain. Until a supportive pillow like this is tested and tried then it cannot be compared to any others and is generally worth taking the risk for an opportunity to get much better quality sleep and allow you to wake up well-rested and with more energy.

Ecosafeter Memory foam pillow
Credit: Ecosafeter

Although this pillow is designed to suit all sleeping positions, it may not suit each sleeper. Personal preference will vary a large amount but generally, this is what each sleeping position will be suited to:

Front/Stomach sleepers will want a soft, responsive pillow. This allows the neck to keep in line with the rest of the body and not overstress the lower back.

Back sleepers will want similar to this as pillows too high may close the airways increasing the chance of snoring and excess stress on the neck, resulting in poorer quality sleep.

Ecosafeter Memory foam pillow
Credit: Ecosafeter

Side sleepers will want a slightly higher, firmer pillow than the other sleeping positions. If you are a combination sleeper then a pillow with variable heights or something in the middle will generally be what you are looking for. 

Traditional memory foam is well known for overheating due to very little heat escaping from it. Ecosafeter has combated this by adding in a breathable layer between the memory foam and cover. This helps increase the airflow within the pillow and decrease retained heat. If you struggle with sleeping too warm then this is still something to consider when ordering this pillow.

Ecosafeter Memory foam pillow
Credit: Ecosafeter

Trial and Guarantee

Trials generally only exist with mattresses and not pillows. For any orders through Amazon please follow their guidelines on guarantees. 

Delivery And Returns

This pillow is primarily available through Amazon and so the Amazon returns policy applies if ordering from here. Another bonus of ordering through Amazon is that it is available on Prime and will be delivered through them. This makes next day delivery an option if you have access. Upon delivery, there may be a chemical smell with this pillow. This is normal and expected. Leaving the pillow to air for a few days will eliminate this odour. 

Ecosafeter Memory foam pillow
Credit: Ecosafeter

Our Verdict

To conclude, the Ecosafeter Memory Foam pillow is eye-catching in several ways. At the price, it is much lower than its closest comparable competitors and that alone can help justify choosing this over the others. 

The Ecosafeter Contour Memory Foam Pillow has more expensive foam than other pillows that do the same job. As a result, this orthopaedic pillow keeps its shape very well even after constant use. As a comparison to other foam pillows, it does not have a chemical smell when first opened, this allows you to use the pillow straight away without letting it air for a few days. The only recommendation is to keep it out of direct sunlight as this may degrade the foam and reduce its lifespan.

Ecosafeter Memory foam pillow
Credit: Ecosafeter

Probably the most important query about this pillow is whether it is effective at its purpose. The answer to this is a definite yes and will not leave you feeling as though you have wasted your money on another gadget or gimmick that does not do as described. 

One massively noticeable difference between this and a standard shop bought pillow is its size and feel. A smaller pillow that is much firmer may take some getting used to. Because of this, it is recommended to test this pillow for an extended amount of time to get used to the pillow and benefit from the massive amount of head and neck support the pillow gives.

The Ecosafeter Memory foam pillow comes across as a very good product. It will especially suit those looking for the following:

  • A contouring pillow that will help your key joints stay in alignment as you sleep.
  • A pillow that comes with a 30-day money-back trial period.
  • A memory foam pillow that has a firmer feel than traditional pillows.

Last update on 2024-09-18 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API